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Thursday 17 July 2014

Plan of Attack #2

Increase Income

I've been having a think about ways I can increase my income and have a few ideas for further down the line of little side projects I could do to channel some of my creative energy into something fruitful.

However, in the first instance I think the easiest step to increasing my income is decluttering and selling what I no longer want or need.

I have far too much stuff for one person, there are lots of things that can go and hopefully add some pennies to the pot I just have to think about how to get the most cash out of what I have.

Here are some of my ideas so far:

  1. Academic textbooks - I have a few large textbooks from studying ACCA, these are c£37 new and seem to do relatively well second hand online. I'm thinking eBay for these, to attract people who are actually searching for them rather than someone who might stumble on them by chance.
  2. Clothing - I have two double wardrobes and eight drawers stuffed full of clothing, at last count I had 65 dresses! And the truth is I only wear a handful. As most of it is quality brands, I'm going to try to clear my clothing via Depop - it's a new app for selling things that seems to do really well with clothing with people being able to ask for and get £6 for a dress, unlike eBay where a good dress might sell for £2 and then you have to consider fees on top. If I'm unsuccessful with Depop, I'll try Facebook, then Car Boot Sales and as a last resort, Cash4Clothes.
  3. DVDs - I have hundreds of DVDs but whenever I watch a film I resort to Netflix or Sky. There really is no reason to keep so many DVDs - these are coming to Car Boot Sales with me.
  4. Old Coin/Penknife Collection - I need to get these professionally valued and then determine the best route of action.
  5. Signed Golfing Memorabilia - I'm going to try a sports auction.
  6. Furniture - I now live with my brother but brought a lot of furniture from the home I shared with my ex; when I get my own place I want to start fresh and clear out anything that we shared, I do not want to be reminded of him or that time, so all my furniture is going. I'm thinking Facebook/Gumtree for this.
  7. Bric-a-brac/Misc low value items - Car Boot Sales. We have quite a few in our local area over the weekend, there is one Saturday morning (for early risers) and one at 2pm Saturday afternoon, the same for Sunday. How many boot sales can you cram into a weekend??
 Hopefully, I can get some of this in action over the next month or so.

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